Open Beta Program

This program aims to collect feedback from a broader user base. Get early access to the pre-release versions of our products and help us ensure they are stable even after our lates updates.




 Open Beta Is Currently Not Active

There is no Open Beta Release available at the moment. Our last stable version is currently in the store and you can get it the usual way.

Once a new version is available, you will be notified through our version pop-up on startup.


We always need your feedback!

With every new beta version you try, please answer the question below based on your results:

Can we release this version, or did anything significant stop you from finishing a flight?


How do I participate?

Any E-Jets Family customer can use the SkunkCrafts Updater to access the beta channel of the E-Jets. The updater allows you to access the beta versions, or backroll to the last stable version in seconds.

    • All our betas can only be accessed via the SkunkCrafts Updater.

    • The updater allows you to easily update to the beta using the updater.

    • It also allows you to backroll to the production (store) version.

    1. Make sure you see a skunkcrafts_updater_beta.cfg file in your E-Jets product folder. If not, please run the updater to get it.

    2. Open the Skunkcrafts Updater, locate the E-Jets Family product, and enable the Beta channel.

    3. Press on "Check available updates" - If a new beta is available, you will see it listed.

    4. Click on "Update and repair Addon" and wait until the Status shows "All files successfully updated or repaired"

    5. Click on "Reload configuration". Confirm that the Version now shows the beta version

    6. Then load the plane in X-Plane, re-activate, and confirm that you can see the version pop-up shows the Beta version

    1. Open the Skunkcrafts Updater, locate the E-Jets Family product, and disable the Beta channel.

    2. Check for available updates

    3. It should list the production version is available

    4. Click on “Update and repair addon

    5. Open the plane in X-Plane, reactivate, and reload the aircraft

    6. Confirm that the version pop-up now shows v1.0.3 which was the last production version